Lunch & Snacks


Preschool Lunch & Snacks


We ask that children in all sessions bring their own lunches to school. Prepare foods so that
your child can be self-sufficient in feeding him/herself. For example, cut fruits and vegetables
and send oranges and tangerines peeled unless your child can already do this for him/herself. We
ask that your child’s lunchbox be labeled with their name, and please don’t include chips,
cookies, or sweets of any kind.

Suggested Lunch Items

  • Slices of hearty bread (rye, pumpernickel, whole wheat, oat, etc.)
  • Slices of vegetables, raw, cooked, pickled, all kinds (carrot sticks, baby carrots, celery
    sticks, cucumber slices, string beans, baby corn, cherry tomatoes, peas, beets)
  • Slices of fruit, all kinds (avocado, apple, pear, banana, orange, tangerine, peach, plum,
    grapes, grapefruit, blueberries, strawberries)
  • Crackers,Slices of cheese
  • Deli meats (ham, turkey, etc.)
  • Pitted olives,Dried fruit (dates, apricots, mangoes, papaya, figs, raisins)
  • Bagels or bagel chips,Rice
  • Boiled eggs,Pasta
Lunch & Snacks

Please pack a well-balanced, nutritious meal, excluding candy and other highly sugared or salted foods with excessive amounts of additives and preservatives.

We are a nut-free school, which includes almonds, cashews, peanuts, peanut butter, or any other type of nuts.


In the Montessori classroom, children can often be seen having individual snack with a friend at
a special table with flowers. This fosters grace and courtesy as well as friendships. In order
for our school to promote this activity, we ask that each family bring in one or two week’s
worth of snack during the school year. This entails snack for 15-20 children, depending on
enrollment. A parent sign-up will be posted the second week of school; the school will provide
snacks for the first week or until we can get the family snack program set up. Montessori Centre
will provide juice throughout the year.

Suggested Snack Items

  • Raisins
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Fresh fruit
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Graham crackers
  • Bagels
  • Dried fruits
Lunch & Snacks

Suggestions are welcome! Please, no peanut butter or nuts.




Happy parents

